Thank you so much for donating three bags of color pencils,markers and other pens. I am really grateful that the students in Tibet were happy to receive these pens. I gave out many pens and pencils for the village children. As I told you, my mother runs a small tutoring center in Tibet. She wants children to read more in Tibet. So what I did was that I gave out these pens and pencils to every child that read the books that my mother put out at one occasion. I went to many places like at the tutoring center,the harvest festival and many more, so many children got pencils and pens. They enjoyed them very much. They liked the crazy pencils. I created some coloring pages for the students. When I gave out coloring pages they used the pens and pencils. They looked very happy and the pens were working well. I attached a few photos that my mom took.
Thank you for everything and hope we can stay in touch.